homeschooling is a widely debated topic, the evidence proves that homeschooled children thrive. And more than often do better than their public educated counterparts. Homeschooled children excel on standardized tests and have no problem in college. Homeschooled children are encouraged to continue learning through life. Attending college is usually a goal set for all homeschooling families.
Homeschooling programs offer families flexibility. Children not only learn skills and knowledge, but they master it. With the pace set by the child, there is no time constraint to have a concept finished within a certain period of time. Children who are homeschooled only compete with themselves. They don't have to worry about keeping up with others. They also have the luxury of more one-on-one time with the teacher. Lessons can also be adjusted to fit the child's needs.
For example, if your child is really knowledgeable in English but struggles in Math, you can establish homeschooling programs that allow you to spend more time in Math and less time in English. This is one of the greatest success secrets of homeschooling programs. Not only can you factor in your child's learning pace, but what they are good and poor at.
Another great thing about homeschooling programs is the fact that there are no time schedules. Because homeschooling is usually done at home, parents have the option of choosing when to have lessons.
This doesn't mean that the discipline of paying to a schedule isn't important. It just means that you have the flexibility of starting and ending a lesson when you want it, or whenever your child is through with his/her work. One of the luxuries of homeschooling programs is being able to teach in a safe and well-known environment. Parents, however, have the choice of being able to create a learning environment where a child feels comfortable.
For example, if you are learning about certain animals or plants, wouldn't it be great to have your lesson inside a zoo or museum?
With homeschooling programs you have the flexibility of incorporating more field trips that help with learning. Sometimes these are more practical than lecturing as if you were in a traditional classroom.
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